From:                              Asha Sodha []

Sent:                               16 January 2009 07:21

To:                                   amanda dhillon; sejal modha; Aarti; piyush kotecha; Nisha Popat; pradeep popat; reena radia; dharmesh lakhani

Subject:                          PTA mintues 13th Jan 09


Hi All Members,
PTA Meeting 13th January 2009
Present: Sejal, Asha,Nisha,Aarti,Reena,Enna,Dharmesh,Piyush,Amanda joined later.
Apologies : Rakesh, Pradeep.
 Sejal asked if if all had read the minutes ,last minutes agreed.
matters arising
Sejal and Piyush had been looking at banks to see which account we need to open,all agreed that we should open account at Natwest.
Rakesh is finding out what is needed if we were to open as charity registered.
At present Sejal,Piyush and Aarti are to open account on  Saturday 17th January .
Graduation to take place 3rd or 4th July, it was agreed that we would invite year 6 parents    to take an active part in the next graduation.
Amanda suggested that we could have a meeting with year 6 parent on the same night as  the SATS meeting with a small presentation of last years graduation, all agreed that this would be a good idea as all parents would be there and only three members need attend that were there last year. Last years staff could  say what they liked about the event and Amanda.
This evening would also be a good time to ask if parents have any funding raising ideas.
Amanda to ask Miss Seymour to get ready a power point presentation ready for that night
Enna ,Nisha, Dharmesh, Asha to do the presentation once the date is fixed for the SATS meeting.
Sejal asked if anyone had ideas for fund raising that we may do and a few suggestion were summer fete, cake fete,end of year disco,talent show Sandfield X factor.

April 1st cake fete , where parents and staff can bake cakes to sell and children could decorate eggs as a easter competition.
This would take place after school, cakes would need to be brought in on the day and stored in a area, labelled with ingredients for safety.
June 20th was agreed for the summer fete and was suggested that again we would ask parents for any ideas, Sejal to ask emergency services, police, fire engine .

Nisha to speak to festival health and safety for information and come to speak to members.

Asha to speak to Tim Foster how they organised there fete. Amanda to speak to Satish regards sports.

Dinner and Dance event/ disco profit  1023.10




ticket sales  339

sweets          41




food            564

venue          550



                                  -    42  bounced chq


Nisha to ask at Rushey Mead for venue and cost.
next meetings to take place in the library on
 Tuesday 3rd February 5.30 to 6.30 concentrate on summer fete
10th march 5.30 to 6.30.
meeting closed 6.45.